داستان آبیدیک

tipping point


1 محیط زیست و منابع طبیعی:: نقطه‌ی بحرانی

It is about how to navigate the journey in relation to diverse pathways, and thresholds and tipping points between them. All concepts of transformation recognize that transformative processes are characterized by discontinuities, thresholds, or tipping points and do not generally proceed smoothly; therefore, these cycles or phases represent attempts to make sense (Westley et al. Theoretical and empirical analyses show how intertwined social-ecological systems are more than the sum of the ecological or the social or their combination, and they provide new explanations of regime shifts and tipping points (e.g. Resilience and regime shifts are part of the challenges humanity is facing in the Anthropocene, from regional tipping points (e.g. It is about cultivating the capacity to sustain development in the face of change, incremental and abrupt, expected and surprising, in relation to diverse pathways and thresholds and tipping points between them.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: نقطه عطف، نقطه‌ی عطف، نقطه‌ عطف

The rationale for this claim is that such a dollar, added to more dollars from the same segment, contributes toward what Malcolm Gladwell has taught us to call a tipping-point outcome, a moment of transition in which customers in the segment move en masse to the new offer and its preferred vendor. The key metrics listed in Figure 2.6 all correlate with tipping-point success. The key to tipping-point strategies is for prospects to hear the same message from three or four different sources, all from within their own community. Those capabilities need to be focused on strategic tipping-point market segments in order to launch change swiftly and powerfully, as described in chapter 4's discussion of market power, and then to penetrate those segments by virtue of highly differentiated offerings, as described in chapter 5's discussion of offer power. tipping-point outcome, 17،،Once this tipping point is reached, a flood of market interest is released from this segment and adjacent ones, and it comes at a dramatically lower cost of marketing, leading in turn to revenue gained at a dramatically lower cost of sales. You must drive the transition from invention to deployment to a tipping point such that the world will go forward as newly aligned and not fall back into its old ways. In this context, the transition from invention to broadly scaled deployment is a race against time to get past the tipping point that separates the hits from the flops. tipping points. If you do not get to the tipping point, you have wasted your program budget, disappointed your customers and partners, and given up a tempo to the competition.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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